Our system helps eliminate waste (toxins) and stimulate the digestive system. Our colon hydrotherapy system provides a safe, comfortable, and hygienic colonic experience by ensuring that the water temperature is maintained between 99 and 103 degrees — the optimal range for effective intestinal cleansing. In the process of colon cleansing gravity fed filtered water is inserted into colon and it slightly stimulates natural muscular contraction, consequently eliminating waste.. After the session is over the client is instructed to stay seated in order to release any residual water. Each session lasts between 30 to 40 minutes. After the session is over the client can now drain comfortably on the ergonomic basin, sitting up erect or leaning back in a lounge position to fully drain the colon. When finished, the client can rinse off using the basin sprayer. The client can then towel dry before dressing and leaving the privacy of the colon irrigation room. Rest sure that your session will be conducted in a private, confidential and comfortable setting.